Gran Canaria Airport Weather
Below you can see what the weather is like close to Gran Canaria airport now. Further down the page, you will find a 10-day forecast and a summary of the climate throughout the year.
The Weather Now
Yearly Weather Guide
Gran Canaria has a subtropical climate, so it offers warm temperatures all year round, but due to its mountains and winds, it offers a wide variety of microclimates. You can be sunbathing on the beach and just a few kilometres away you can see snow on the mountain peaks. Due to its warm weather all year round, and sunny conditions, it is very popular with tourists. Many tourists flock to the beaches in summer, and it is a golfer's paradise in low season.
You can expect daytime temperatures in the winter months to average 20°C and the summer months to reach the high 20's or low 30's. The nighttime temperatures are milder in the winter, with temperatures averaging 13°C, so on occasions, you may need a jumper, especially if you are in a shaded area. In the summer, you can expect the nighttime to be around 19°C or 20°C. The temperatures are relatively consistent all year round, so you can see why it is a favourite destination for many citizens in northern countries.
The rainfall is also relative low, with little or no rainfall in the summer months, and around half the average rain of London in winter.
Below there are some climate tables to summarise all the temperatures, rainfall and sunlight for each month of the year.